As progress has been somewhat limited due to Passover and my current internet connection currently being rather slow, and also due to the fact that I will undoubtedly be posting again later this week, this will be one of the shorter blog posts - at least till I can update with pretty pictures of my progress. I have currently made a lot of headway on implementing my plan for massively culling the search space for the marching cubes algorithm, but am still bottlenecking on the spatial hashing code and on using stl::sets and corresponding memory management effectively. I am currently looking again at the grid implementation on this open source SPH implementation for ideas on optimizing the spatial hashing.
Anyway, for now I have shouldered that part and started on the texturing and environment mapping. Unlike the above, the implementation for this is relatively straightforward; I think texturing is somewhat working now, but I still need to tweak the OpenGL lighting/materials to get more shininess on the liquid. I've been familiarizing myself with GLSL for the cube mapping and it's also proving pretty manageable to use, so I'm also hoping to get that completed in the very near future. That's all for now; hopefully more to come very soon.
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