Thursday, February 3, 2011

Basic GUI

So, after a nice debilitating bout of the stomach flu that seems to have been going around, I finally finished the basic GUI design, more or less as I had planned it out (see diagram from last post).

I made extensive use of the Qt library in constructing my GUI (and yes Joe, it is much much nicer than MFC so thanks for the save on that one).  Taking Yiyi's advice into consideration, I added some shortcuts to hide the sidebar and toolbars so that the main openGL window can scale up.

I also implemented a very simple maya-style camera with buttons to "pan", "tumble", and "scale"(please excuse my terrible sense of humor with the icon images.  And yes, it's supposed to be a tumbler).  Also, same keyboard shortcuts to do the same.  Rob Bateman's site was an extremely helpful resource for setting the camera up.

There's obviously still a lot to be wanting in the design, such as more parameters in the side toolbox, a floating axis in the corner of the openGL window and perhaps more interaction tools, but this should give me a framework to work from for the time being.  Meanwhile, I have also been setting up the as of now invisible particle system framework, which should hopefully become visible in the near future.  I've also been reading and re-reading some papers on viscoelastic fluids.  Right now, this one is looking to be the closest to what I am going to attempt to implement.

Anyway, here are some screenshots of my GUI and a video capture of my using the camera. More to come soon!


  1. I love a good pun, so thumbs up for the camera icons.

    What do the other shortcuts do? I'm guessing the bottom 4 are for different view options?

  2. Maybe focus on surface tension effects? See google search for: "computer graphics" "surface tension" simulation; click on first hit: Fluid simulation for computer graphics - Robert Bridson

    also, see Wikipedia for Surface tension. Interesting discussion of mercury! (fixed thickness of fluid on a surface).

    - Norm

  3. MSF is oudated! :>

    The GUI does look nice, I did have the same question as Dan above...

    Look at Terry's last post, setting up the attributes you want to focus on in a lot of detail is a good idea.
    has a basic fluid sim. or you can set up your own particles etc.

    Following up on Norm's comments

    Keep up the nice work.

  4. Thanks for all the feedback!

    Yeah, I should have included a description of the other icons. The blue cylinder ones(the fourth and fifth icons) will be for interacting with the material(one is a larger diameter so will be able to effect larger changes). And as you correctly guessed Dan, the last four are view options: particle view, floater-particles-constrained-to-surface view, polygon view, and the final smooth shaded view. Basically, these are the different stages of my project, so I can hopefully sort of implement each view in order and then be able to toggle back and compare with the previous views.

  5. I like the puns too - and maybe your stomach flu will inspire thought about fluid viscosity?
